"global homelessness relief," "international homeless aid organization," "homeless missions abroad," "supporting homeless globally," "international homeless charity," "donate to homeless cause worldwide," and "missions to help homeless internationally."
According to United Nations
there are over 150 Million people worldwide experiencing homelessness!
Jehovah Saints Archbishops & Bishops
All Bishops give "you" 10% of "their" offerings to the Archbishop on
22nd, of every month. All 10% offerings you receive, Archbishop, give
10% of your offerings received to CEO Michael Hopkins, as I
will be working worldwide as soon as I get done with the USA, which
should not take long, if everything goes as planned.
● 10% is not required, but if they want a blessing from God, this
is how it works
Jehovah Saints Global Outreach Worldwide Headquarters
CEO: Michael Hopkins
205 W Business US Hwy 60 PMB 303
Dexter, MO 63841
Phone: +1(573) 891-1933 USA
Text: +1 (573) 568-8887 USA
Pray and talk to God in your mind all the
“Godspeed Archbishops”
“Expression of good wishes to a person starting a journey”
“If we all pull together, how happy we’ll be!”

Contact us to become a Bishop, or Archbishop
Get in touch so we can start working together.

Jehovah Saints Headquarters for South Sudan
Archbishop Daniel Deng Bol
Juba, Aweil, South Sudan
Email: dengatoc@gmail.com
Phone number: +211921163669
Jehovah Saints Headquarters for Malawi
Archbishop Vincent (Victor) Phiri
P.Box 30 , Thuchila, Malawi, Africa
email: victorphr1@gmail.com
Phone number: +265999101050
Phone Number: +265888639566
Jehovah Saints Headquarters for Bangladesh
Archbishop Ripon Das
email: goutamdas01755@gmail.com
Phone: +8801798881530
Jehovah Saints Headquarters for Nigeria
Archbishop Eyitayo Olorund
No 31 Stanley Maka street Shell road Sapele Delta state Nigeria, Africa
Email: eyitayoolorunda@gmail.com
Phone number: +2348062893124
Jehovah Saints Headquarters for
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Archbishop Fataki Mulizi
B.P. 392. Cyangugu Rwanda via D.R. Congo
email: bwirafataki@gmail.com
Phone Number: +243998902303