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Empowering Change through Faith:
"A Look at Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints"

At Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints, we believe that every individual has inherent worth and strive to be a force for good in the world, guided by our Christian values. Our organization was founded on the principles of support, empowerment, and progress, rooted in the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.
In today's world, we recognize the need for problem-solvers with diverse perspectives who are willing to take risks to create positive change. Our mission is to inspire and support not only the USA but communities worldwide, with our actions speaking louder than words.
As stated in Galatians 5:13, we believe in using our freedom to serve others, and in James 2:14-17, we recognize the need to bring our faith to life through good deeds. We are dedicated to promoting justice, equality, and compassion, guided by Micah 6:8 to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
Through our various programs, we aim to uplift and empower individuals and communities, drawing inspiration from various Bible verses in our pursuit of positive transformation. We stand firm in our commitment to creating a better, brighter world for all, as guided by our Christian faith.


1. Establish Homeless Shelters throughout the World: The House of Saints Advocacy worked tirelessly to provide shelter, support, and resources for individuals experiencing homelessness, following the teachings of Matthew 25:35-40, which calls for caring for the least among us.

2. Restore Bible Classes in Schools and Prevent School Shootings: The organization advocated for the reintroduction of Bible classes in schools, believing that a foundation of faith and morality could help prevent tragedies like school shootings. They drew inspiration from Proverbs 22:6, emphasizing the importance of education and guidance in shaping young minds.


3. End Abortion: The House of Saints Advocacy staunchly defended the sanctity of life and worked towards ending abortion through education, advocacy, and support for expectant mothers. They emphasized the value of all life, as outlined in Psalm 139:13-16.


4. Prison Ministry: The organization reached out to incarcerated individuals, offering spiritual guidance, support, and rehabilitation programs to help them find redemption and purpose. Their efforts were guided by the belief in redemption and forgiveness, as stated in Romans 6:23.


5. Youth Outreach Programs: The House of Saints Advocacy engaged with young people through mentorship, leadership development, and educational initiatives to empower them to become agents of positive change in their communities. They were inspired by 1 Timothy 4:12, encouraging young believers to set an example for others.


6. Substance Abuse Rehabilitation: Through counseling, support groups, and rehabilitation services, the organization sought to help individuals overcome addiction and reclaim their lives. Their approach was rooted in the belief in transformation and healing, as exemplified in 2 Corinthians 5:17.

7. Support for Families in Crisis: The House of Saints Advocacy provided assistance, counseling, and resources to families facing challenges such as domestic violence, financial hardship, or loss, guided by the teachings of Ephesians 4:2-3, promoting unity, peace, and support within families.


8. International Aid and Relief Efforts: The organization extended its reach globally, offering aid, relief, and support to communities in need around the world, following the command of Galatians 6:10 to do good to all, especially to those in need.

9. Community Development and Empowerment: The House of Saints Advocacy engaged in projects and initiatives aimed at building strong, resilient communities, empowering individuals to create a more just and equitable society. They drew inspiration from Nehemiah 2:18, encouraging communities to come together to build and restore.

10. Advocacy for Human Rights and Social Justice: The overarching goal of the organization was to advocate for human rights, social justice, and equality for all members of society, echoing the words of Micah 6:8 to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

11. Environmental Conservation and Sustainability Initiatives: The House of Saints Advocacy recognized the importance of caring for God's creation and committed to promoting environmental stewardship, conservation efforts, and sustainable practices in communities, inspired by Genesis 2:15, which speaks of humanity's responsibility to care for the earth.


12. Promotion of Racial Reconciliation and Unity: The organization worked towards fostering understanding, dialogue, and reconciliation among individuals of different races and backgrounds, guided by the belief in the inherent dignity and equality of all individuals, as stated in Galatians 3:28, emphasizing unity in Christ.


13. Economic Empowerment and Job Training Programs: The House of Saints Advocacy provided job training, skill development, and entrepreneurship opportunities to empower individuals to achieve economic stability and self-sufficiency, drawing inspiration from Proverbs 31:17, which praises hard work and resourcefulness.


14. Support for Refugees and Displaced Persons: The organization extended compassion, support, and resources to refugees and displaced persons, advocating for their rights and providing assistance in rebuilding their lives, guided by Matthew 25:35, urging compassion and assistance for those in need.

15. Advocacy for Gender Equality and Women's Rights: The House of Saints Advocacy championed gender equality and women's rights, working to eliminate discrimination and empower women to realize their full potential, inspired by Galatians 3:28, recognizing the equal value and worth of all individuals.


16. Community Health and Wellness Programs: The organization promoted health education, wellness initiatives, and access to healthcare services to improve the overall well-being of individuals and communities, guided by the belief in caring for the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.


17. Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children: The House of Saints Advocacy provided care, support, and advocacy for orphans and vulnerable children, ensuring their well-being and access to education, healthcare, and a loving environment, reflecting James 1:27, which calls for looking after orphans in their distress.


18. Civic Engagement and Voter Education: The organization engaged in voter education initiatives, advocacy for fair and just policies, and promoting civic participation to empower individuals to be informed, active citizens in shaping their communities and society, inspired by the call to seek justice and defend the oppressed in Isaiah 1:17.

19. Promotion of Mental Health Awareness and Support: The House of Saints Advocacy raised awareness about mental health issues, provided support, resources, and education to destigmatize mental illness, and promote holistic well-being, guided by the belief in caring for the mind, body, and spirit, as emphasized in Philippians 4:6-7.


20. Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation: The organization fostered interfaith dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among individuals of different faith traditions, promoting mutual respect, peace, and cooperation in the pursuit of common goals for the betterment of society, echoing the call to love one another as neighbors in Luke 10:27.

Jehovah's House of Saints Advocacy for Human Rights and Social Justice is dedicated to fulfilling a diverse array of goals rooted in the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. Their mission encompasses a holistic approach to serving and uplifting individuals and communities, guided by the Word of God.

Drawing inspiration from Matthew 25:35-40, the organization strives to establish Homeless Shelters worldwide to care for those in need. They advocate for the restoration of Bible Classes in schools, influenced by Proverbs 22:6, believing in the importance of faith and education in shaping young minds and preventing school shootings.

The House of Saints Advocacy staunchly defends the sanctity of life and works towards ending abortion, reflecting the value of life as outlined in Psalm 139:13-16. Through Prison Ministry guided by Romans 6:23, they offer spiritual guidance and support for incarcerated individuals seeking redemption and purpose.

Youth Outreach Programs inspired by 1 Timothy 4:12 empower young people to become positive agents of change, while Substance Abuse Rehabilitation rooted in 2 Corinthians 5:17 helps individuals overcome addiction and find healing. Support for Families in Crisis, International Aid and Relief Efforts, and Community Development and Empowerment are guided by Ephesians 4:2-3, Galatians 6:10, and Nehemiah 2:18, respectively.

Advocacy for Human Rights and Social Justice, inspired by Micah 6:8, is at the core of the organization's mission. Their commitment extends to Environmental Conservation, Racial Reconciliation, and Economic Empowerment, echoing Genesis 2:15, Galatians 3:28, and Proverbs 31:17. Support for Refugees, Gender Equality, and the promotion of health and wellness draw inspiration from Matthew 25:35, Galatians 3:28, and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, respectively.

The House of Saints Advocacy's dedication to supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children, promoting Civic Engagement, raising Mental Health Awareness, and fostering Interfaith Dialogue is guided by James 1:27, Isaiah 1:17, Philippians 4:6-7, and Luke 10:27, reflecting their commitment to serving humanity with compassion, justice, and love.

Founder Michael Hopkins of Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints Mark of the Beast 2024
JT Hopkins




Communications Specialist


Project Manager

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