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Biblical Texts: A Deeper Look

Biblical Texts

The Bible, a collection of sacred texts in Judaism and Christianity, is often subject to various interpretations. This article aims to delve into some of these interpretations, focusing on specific verses and their implications.

Daniel 7:18 and the Kingdom of the Most High

The verse from Daniel 7:18 states, “But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, forever and ever.” This verse is often interpreted as the eternal reign of the righteous, who are referred to as the ‘saints of the Most High’.

The Preservation of the Bloodline

The destruction of Sodom and the subsequent actions of Lot and his daughters are seen as a desperate attempt to preserve their bloodline by sleeping with their Father Lot. Similarly, the lineage of King David is considered significant in the Bible. Joseph and Mary, the parents of Jesus, were both descendants of King David, which some is a necessity to preserve the “Blood Line”.

Polygamy in the Bible

Abraham, a significant figure in the Bible, had two wives and concubines (girlfriends). He even had children by his concubines (girlfriends). This practice was not uncommon in biblical times and was often seen as a way to ensure many offspring.

The Concept of Sin

The concept of sin varies among different individuals. What is considered a sin for one person might not be the same for another. This is reflected in Romans 14. The only universal sins are those that break the Ten Commandments, which are the only laws God brought down to man.

Man’s Laws vs God’s Laws

The Bible contains laws that were laid down by man, which are "not" from God’s laws. For instance, Leviticus contains many laws that would kill you for various offenses. These are "not" God’s laws but man’s. God only gave Ten Commandments.

The Role of Faith

Faith plays a crucial role in understanding the Bible. As stated in John 20:29, "Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” This verse emphasizes the importance of faith, even in the absence of physical evidence.


The Bible requires a deep understanding of its context and the time it was written. It’s important to remember that not all scripture is of God and that there are many discrepancies in translation. As Matthew 11:19 Jesus, who was called a glutton and a drunkard, as Jesus was misunderstood by the people. Therefore, pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding is key to interpreting the Bible.

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